About Me
Long time blog reader, first time blog writer.
I have started this blog as an experiment. The goal is to have a place that I can publish random musings and occasional deeper thoughts that I have more control over and that belongs to me. Writing was never a skill I mastered…. I freely admit to this and I will make errors, my spelling and grammer will sometimes be atrocious. Shrug. My ultimate goal is a little vague but I do want to get better at the writing part.
I identify as a Son, Brother, Husband, Father and Grandfather… and um Terran?
I am currently the Graphics Manager for a small printing company. I have been in this career for over 30 years after receiving an Art Degree in Photography.
I enjoy running, hiking, biking, camping, play soccer and racquet sports. I also play trumpet in a community marching band.
I am a fan of Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, Seattle Seahawks, St Louis Blues, and Manchester City.
I can also be found at