Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @Munish

    @Munish I am actually not sure of the official drug testing policies with MLB. I would bet however, they are very stringent with the history of performance enhancing drugs in their not so long ago history with Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa and others. The more recent seasons has seen a big turn around in competitive games, exciting young players and that has attendance up. I have been a lifetime fan of the Atlanta Braves and try to see at least one game every season.

  • Replying to:

    @Munish Major League Baseball as a 162 (81 Home and 81 away) Regular season games from April to September with the playoffs and World Series in October.

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    @news Regarding the reply Bo’s on posts, can anyone reply without logging into any Fediverse accounts?

  • Replying to: @adam

    @adam Congrats! You are my first comment. I’m new to blogging so it brought a smile to me. Best to you.

  • @darrenhester This CD image looks great. Nice job.