Music That Influenced Me #1
I was listening to some music the other day, just a random playlist in the background, but a song came on and it struck a memory. It’s funny how our senses will do that to our brain, an aroma, a song, a picture, and suddenly you are reliving some memory or event or person that wasn’t even close to the front of your conscience.
This time it was a song, Maybe Monday, by ‘Til Tuesday, from their 1984 album Voices Carry. Most everyone my age (or near my age) probably knows the album and the huge title hit the band had that year, but this was not that song but a different track altogether. “Maybe Monday” is track 8 from the album and about 30 seconds into the song my Brain said “Hey…. Remember mowing the yard growing up and listening to this cassette on your Walkman?” I responded to my Brain by saying “Yes, I remember that vividly like it was yesterday and not literally 40 years ago. Why are you bringing it up now? I have work to do.” Brain said, “No reason, just thought it would be neat to think about that for the next 20 minutes.” ….. I replied, “Brain, you can be pretty weird sometimes…. But I do like the song and the memory.”
What? You don’t have conversations with your Brain like I do? That’s weird. Anyway, the memory triggered another thought about other albums that I have memories of that hold some sort of special place in my brain and that maybe it would be cool if I share a few on this blog every once in while. I may not have a post like this regularly and there will be posts that don’t have a long winded explanation like this post does. But here we go.
Today the Album is Voices Carry, by ‘Til Tuesday.